How to Avoid Common Mistakes in Manual Invoicing with Software

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Manual invoicing refers to the traditional way of sending and receiving invoices in a business, without any external support from specialised software. In this traditional method, you do everything from creating it to delivering it. This process requires you to perform certain calculations and data entry. Now, as humans, we’re prone to making mistakes. So, even if manual invoicing may seem like a simple option, it can create a lot of burden for you, in case an error happens. Let’s see the common mistakes in manual invoicing and how software can help eliminate them. 

Memory Mishaps

Forgetting to send invoices, delays in sending them, or maybe even sending them to the wrong party is a very common mistake in manual invoicing. 

Incomplete information

While getting it done manually, there are high chances of having typos or missing information in the invoice itself. Besides, it can also get as serious as adding incorrect tax rates. These missing bits of information may seem small, but can lead to big troubles for the accounting department. 

Errors in calculating

This is the most common mistake in manual invoicing. You can easily make a calculation mistake. However, even if the error is for a minimal amount, it can lead to delayed payments and frustration. 

Unclear Description

When you are handling your invoices on your own, there are chances you won’t be able to provide the same or specific description of the services or goods. This can lead to confusion and disputes among various stakeholders. 

Lack of Backup 

Another common mistake that is a huge part of traditional manual invoicing is the lack of backup. If you forget to take backups of your documents, chances are you will lose your historical data. 

Formatting Issues

Manually creating your own invoices can seem fun when you are just starting out. However, sloppiness in formatting can cause a hindrance to your professional image. 

Duplication of Invoices

Another common mistake that’s prone in manual invoicing is duplication., ie., creating two invoices for the same order. This proves to be a waste of time, can create confusion in the teams, and can also lead to financial loss due to double payment.

The after effects of all these mistakes of manual invoicing are not limited to delay in payments. It can extend up to reputational damage, spoil your relations with clients, and also create an environment of stress for your business.

Also Read: Common Errors And Mistakes In Tax Invoices For Goods: Prevention And Correction

Impact of Manual Invoicing Mistakes on Your Business

Type of Impact Impact on Business Details
Financial Impact Reduction in Revenue Forgetting to mention late fees, or reflecting discounts in invoices, can lead to a reduction in revenue, as the clients will be entitled to pay on the basis of the invoice. 
Penalties and Fines Tax authorities can claim fines and impose penalties for the mistakes in tax related information or calculation of tax in a manually created invoice. 
Reduction in Cash Flow Delay in receiving the payments, caused by the additional time required for the rectification of errors, can lead to a cash flow crunch for your business. 
Operational Impact Reduction in Capacity and productivity Finding lost invoices, rectifying and correcting errors, etc can take up a lot of your productive hours. 
Increase in Customer Grievances You can miss some business opportunities if you keep delaying important decisions, waiting for the data to be available. 
Missing out on opportunities Loss of revenue is one thing, but you can also lose clients if the invoicing mistakes become repetitive. 

Also Read: Common Errors And Mistakes In Tax Invoices For Services Prevention And Correction

Introduction to Invoicing Software

Now that we are aware of the problem that common manual invoicing mistakes can b you, let’s also focus on the solution to it. The best way to eliminate all invoicing errors in your business is by digitising the invoicing process through an invoicing software. Simply put, it is a digital tool or an application that can easily streamline your entire invoicing process. This will include various factors like creating the invoice, entering accurate data, and even processing these invoices. Moreover, invoicing software allows you to set up automations for the repeat orders. This way, you end up saving a lot of time to focus on the more vital issues. 

Features of Invoicing Software

Below are the key features of invoicing software that can help eliminate the errors of manual labour:

Invoice Generation

Creating a properly formatted invoice is crucial to get the proper income and to maintain accurate records. An invoicing software can generate all your invoices for you. Moreover, after setting up automations, you can even move on to other tasks while the software regularly keeps on generating invoices. 


All you have to do is feed the software the data it asks for and it will take care of all the calculations for you. This feature of invoicing software helps in reducing calculation errors and saves the time and energy that goes into reconciliation. 

Data Entry

Invoicing software not only calculates the amount owed, it can also take care of your data entry of expenses and incomes through integration. Moreover, as an integral feature of invoicing software, it also automates this tedious task of data entry. 

Sending Invoices

With invoicing software, you won’t have to worry about printing the invoice, and then mailing it or posting it to the recipient. The software for invoicing ensures that the invoices reach the recipient within the set time frames. 

Reminders and Tracking

Additionally, there are features of invoicing software that keeps you up to date with live data and tracking options. This helps improve the cash flow of the business. Moreover, there are reminders for when payments are due, so you can make quick decisions and never get delayed payments. 


Lastly, the best feature of invoicing software is that it allows you to generate reports of the data and invoices, and the trend analytics. Through this, you can easily track the customer demands and trends, making improvements to your products / services as required.

Also Read: Everything You Need To Know About The Features Of Our Online Billing Software

How Does Invoicing Software Minimise Invoicing Errors?

The above mentioned unique features of the invoicing software make it pretty evident that using this software can lead to exponential business growth and success. However, if you’re still wondering how it can help you minimise the invoicing errors, you’re at the right place. This is how an invoicing software minimises errors in the traditional method:

Improvement to error Details
Reduction of Manual Data Entry Manual data entry is the breeding ground for mistakes and errors. By eliminating the need to manually enter the numbers, the risk of error is also diminished.  Besides, with help of integration and separate databases, you can automate almost all of the repetitive tasks. 
Professional Standard Templates A bad looking invoice will leave that type of impression in your client’s mind. With invoicing software, you can create a standard template for all orders and use it. This creates a more organised visual for your clients.
Streamlining the Process After generation, various departments need to approve  the invoices. Manually getting these approvals can take up ample time. However, with the software, the process of internal approval speeds up. This provides an extra shot at eliminating errors before the invoice reaches the client. 
Detailed Reporting With access to all accurate data, you can generate reports and analyse them anytime. This is like an extra layer of protection, you can check the reports and eliminate all discrepancies. Moreover, it also helps in planning better for the future. 
Real Time Data Get any invoicing information, anywhere you want. This eliminates the mistake of “forgetting” to send an invoice, or forgetting to add a specific amount, etc. 

Benefits of Automated Invoicing Over Manual Processes

We’ve seen by now that manual processes are tedious and time consuming. But, why exactly should you choose an automated invoicing system for your business over manually doing everything? See the benefits of automated invoicing to know more: 

Enhanced Accuracy and Reduced Errors

While manual processing is simple, it relies heavily on manual data entry. This is one of the primary reasons for typing errors, transposition in numbers, and missing information. Whereas, automatic invoicing uses client and product databases along with integrations to minimise the manual entry of data;

In an invoice, you’ll have to calculate the totals, taxes and discount rates; doing this on your own can be prone to mistakes. Whereas automatic invoicing also takes care of all the calculations in an accurate and consistent manner. 

Improved Efficiency and Time Saving 

Streamlining is difficult in manual invoicing, it becomes difficult to set up a system and follow it every time. Whereas, with automated invoicing software, you can streamline everything top to bottom. This frees up a lot of valuable time and improves the functioning of your organisation.

When repeated tasks like data entry and sending the invoices out become automatic, you can save your staff’s time and effort. 

Boosted Cash Flow and Revenue Recovery

Mistakes can lead to delays in payments, by diminishing all chances of mistake, you can get online payment options, timely reminders and expedite your invoicing. This is bound to improve your cash flow.

In manual invoicing, there are no reminders, you forget to add a detail, and its done.  However, in automation, there’s a clear communication of due dates, and there are alerts on late payments, helping you eliminate revenue loss. 

Enhanced Organization and Visibility

In the manual method, you will have to manually  store all the information. However, with the software, everything gets stored in a centralised location. This makes it easy to track invoices, access historical data, and  generate reports.

Another thing missing in manual methods is the ability to track your data at any moment. An application or solution for invoicing will provide you with real time tracking features to help you make prompt and accurate decisions for your business.

Improved client relations and professionalism

You can customise templates through the invoicing software. This gives an edge of consistency over manual invoicing.

Besides, with all the data at hand, you can keep a clear record of all the products and services entailed. This helps in keeping a clear and strong relationship with your clients, by diminishing the chance of confusion and dispute. 

Specific Features to Look for in an Invoicing Software

At the beginning, we have shed some light on the key features that make invoicing software a better option than manually handling everything. However, there are also certain features based on your industry, business size, and other circumstances that you should look for, to obtain optimal performance. Let’s see what these specific features entail:

Specific Feature How it Helps
Automatic Capture of Data Integration of your invoicing software with other tools like your customer relationship management (CRM), and Order Management (OM) softwares can allow you to automatically pull in client, pricing and order data to avoid errors and save time. 
Flagging and Validation Your software will identify all the inconsistencies and missing information, flag it and send you alerts. This way, you can minimise accounting errors in time. 
Integration of Payment Processes By integrating invoicing software with your payment processing gateway, you can also allow customers to pay directly through the invoice. This reduces the time spent behind chasing payments. 
Internal Communication Certain invoicing software solutions will also simplify internal communication by allowing you to leave notes for your peers. 

How do I Transition to Automated Invoicing?

When it comes to making the final decision, don’t let the tech savviness of it cloud your mind. Transitioning your invoicing operations from traditional manual methods to the new age of automated invoicing doesn’t require you to be a master of the computers. We’ve jotted down the step by step guide on how you can transition to automated invoicing smoothly. Let’s take a look: 

Examine your specific needs

First things first, examine how your invoicing process is moving right now. Focus on figuring out how you are creating your invoices, getting them approved, and then how you’re sending those out. Once you know what is involved in the process, you can make a list of the specific features that you want in your chosen invoicing software. 

Market Research

There are numerous software providers out there. So before diving into any one of the popular software solutions, you should check out the rates, features, and other terms of the software and see which one fits the shoe.

Prepare your Data

Once you complete your research and choose the invoicing software solution best suited for you, gather all your client data and other information that you will need in this transition. For example, names of clients, contact details, invoice numbers, and pricing details for products and services. Besides, you will also have to make sure that the data you feed into your software is accurate, this ensures that once the transition is complete, you will get all accurate information. 

System Setup and Configuration

To install your invoicing software solutions, follow the steps that your software service provider gives to you. Once it is installed in your system, you will have to set up your account and manage everything. Moreover, you will also have to create templates and set up all automations through integration with other software tools. 

User Training

After you set up the system, you can provide  access to its users and start training them. With this, you will understand if the software solution is working out for your team or not. Focus on actually training them properly to minimise the scope of errors in processing. 

Go Live 

Once all your team members are done with the training, you can go live, i.e.., start using the software for your day to day business needs. Remember, your task doesn’t end here. You will have to regularly monitor the performance of this new invoicing software solution. Besides, you can also take feedback from the stakeholders using it and evaluate how you can make the performance more efficient.

Ongoing Duties

Your ongoing duties towards getting actual streamlining would be to keep a constant watch on the way your software performs, its hidden features, and other details to refine and improve how your invoicing takes place. For example, by obtaining real time tracking, you can eliminate the need to send your clients constant reminders about payments.

We’re sure that if you follow these steps with true dedication, your transition from manual to automation will be smooth! And it’s not like you will have to do it all by yourself, the moment you face any troubles, you can ask the software provider to help you out. 

Tips on choosing the Right Invoicing Software for your Business

Not being able to decide the best option even after doing the market research? Don’t worry, we’ve jotted down some tips to help you. Here they are:

Point of Consideration Type How to Choose
Size of your business Small Business
  • User Interface (Friendliness);
  • Budget and Affordability; and
  • Core functions (Basic accounting, project management, Cloud based solutions, etc)
Medium Enterprise
  • Departmental Solutions;
  • Capacity of scalability and integration; and
  • The ability to manage complex workflows.
Large Enterprises
  • Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP); and
  • Features that cater to extensive data management, complex processes and advanced analytics
Industry Manufacturing Needs ERP with advanced inventory management solutions and forecasting features.
Finance and Accounting Accounting software that caters to all legal and regulatory compliances. For example, the CaptainBiz software.
Legal Services A software with legal billing and time tracking functions.
Construction Look for features like resource allocation, and scheduling. 
Budget Set Real Expectations You can find free to the most expensive solutions that offer automated invoicing. So, you need to thread your budgeting expectations tightly. 
Long Term Value Look at the bigger picture, don’t just focus on saving the money for now. 
Other Specific Needs Identify Issues Which manual invoicing mistakes are the most common within your business? Think of it, and then look for solutions that can hit your pain points. 
Prioritise features Lists take you a long way. Create a list of all the features you need and prioritise them accordingly. 
Free Trials Before committing to any invoicing software solution, check out the options that provide free demos. This can give you a practical experience of how your business will operate, without having to pay for it. Invoicing and billing software solutions like the CaptainBiz are a great way to start your automations. You can get a free trial here today. 


To conclude with an additional tip, try reading the real world experience of the users of these software solutions for invoicing. This will give you important insights. Remember, change is constant. This transition from manual invoicing to automated invoicing is a change that will help your business soar successfully. 


  • What is the meaning of e-Invoicing? 

The process of sending an invoice electronically is e-invoicing. It includes invoices sent through PDF and also includes invoicing managed through invoicing software. 

  • Is automated invoicing beneficial for my company?

Yes, it will minimise your invoicing errors and help your company grow profusely. Automated invoicing saves you time from admin tasks, allowing you to focus on things of greater importance. 

  • How can I avoid mistakes in creating invoices? 

Forgetting to add information, typos, and calculation errors are more common than it should be. However, you can eliminate all such mistakes by transitioning to automated invoicing software.

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Diksha Shastri Legal Executive
Diksha is a seasoned writer of all things Law, Finance and Business. She aims to make things easy for the readers.

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