Is GST Applicable on Related Party Transactions?

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Dealing with GST in business is like navigating a roadmap with lots of signs and signals. When it comes to related party transactions – basically, business deals with family members, friends, or companies you have a close connection with – it gets even more complicated. It’s imperative to get this right because non-compliance with GST compliance in related party transactions can lead to tax troubles and strained business relationships.

Imagine you run a business and often deal with companies owned by your relatives or close friends. In these cases, you’re not just thinking about profit and loss, but also about balancing personal relationships with professional responsibilities. This is where understanding the regulations of GST on related party transactions becomes essential. GST regulations are applied uniformly, irrespective of whether business transactions are conducted with unrelated entities or with familial connections. They mandate adherence to the same set of rules for all transactions, emphasizing compliance without distinction.

In this blog, we’re going to break down what the GST regime holds for these kinds of transactions. Whether you’ve been in business for years or are just getting started, it’s important to know how to handle these situations. We will discover how GST applies to related party transactions in a way that’s easy to understand and practical. We’ll look at some common scenarios, point out potential pitfalls, and offer tips on how to stay on top of your GST obligations.

Understanding GST and Its Application

The Goods and Services Tax (GST) represents a significant shift in how taxes are levied and collected. Introduced to create a unified tax structure, GST has streamlined various indirect taxes under one umbrella. Understanding its application, especially in the context of Related Party Transactions, is quintessential for businesses aiming for compliance and financial prudence.

GST, implemented in India in July 2017, subsumed multiple taxes like VAT, Service Tax, and Excise Duty into a single tax system. This move aimed to eliminate the cascading effect of taxes and create a more seamless national market. For businesses, this meant a complete overhaul of their tax reporting and compliance mechanisms.

GST and Its Application to Related Party Transactions

When it comes to Related Party Transactions and GST, the rules are quite specific. As per GST laws, a related party transaction is any transfer of goods or services between related entities, which could be companies under common control or where family members are involved in management or ownership. GST on Related Party Transactions is determined based on the nature of the transaction and the relationship between the entities involved.

GST implications for Related Party Transactions often revolve around how these transactions are valued and recorded. The transactions must be valued at an ‘Arm’s Length Price’ – the price that would be charged to an unrelated party under similar circumstances. This ensures that transactions are fair and market-based, preventing tax evasion through transfer pricing.

Examples of Related Party Transactions

Example 1: Consulting Services Between Parent and Subsidiary Companies

Imagine a parent company offering consulting services to its subsidiary. Even if these services are provided free of charge, for GST purposes, they need to be valued as if they were sold to an outsider. GST then applies to this ‘market value’.

Example 2: Property Leasing Between a Firm and Its Director

If a business is renting property from one of its directors, the rent charged must be in line with what would be charged to an unrelated tenant. This ensures that the transaction is fair and GST is properly applied.

Ensuring Compliance and Transparency

It’s important for businesses to record these transactions accurately, reflecting the true market value. This is a prerequisite for adhering to GST compliances in Related Party Transactions. Given the complexities involved in any business scenario involving RPT, it’s often wise for businesses to consult with tax professionals to ensure they are fully compliant with GST laws regarding these transactions.

Identifying Related Party Transactions Under GST

Related parties, as defined in section 2(84) of the GST Act, are identified in the following scenarios:

  • When an individual serves as an officer or director in one business and also holds a similar position in another business.
  • When businesses are officially recognized as partners.
  • In cases where an employer-employee relationship exists.
  • If a person owns, directly or indirectly, at least 25% of the shares in another company.
  • When one party has direct or indirect control over the other.
  • If both parties are governed by the same controlling authority or management.
  • When together, the entities exert control over another entity.
  • If the business’s promoters or managerial personnel are part of the same family.

Understanding and identifying Related Party Transactions under GST is imperative for ensuring GST compliance in business operations. These transactions, often complex, can have significant GST implications for Related Party Transactions. Let’s understand the criteria, types, and challenges associated with these transactions.

Criteria for Related Party Transactions Under GST

  • Definition Under GST: A related party transaction typically involves businesses that are connected through family, management, or capital. Under GST, these are broadly defined to include transactions between holding companies and subsidiaries, associates, and key management personnel and their relatives.
  • GST on Related Party Transactions: These transactions are carefully scrutinized under GST laws. The focus is on ensuring that the transactions are conducted at arm’s length, meaning the value of the transaction should reflect a fair market price, as if the parties were unrelated.

Breakdown of Different Types of Related Party Transactions

  • Sales and Purchases of Goods and Services: This includes any sale or purchase of goods or services between related entities. For instance, a company selling products to its subsidiary would fall under this category.
  • Loans and Financial Transactions: Financial transactions like loans or advances between related parties also come under the purview of GST. The interest rates and terms of these transactions need to mirror what would be expected in transactions with unrelated parties.
  • Property Leases and Rentals: Leasing or renting of property between related entities is another common type of related party transaction. The rent or lease amount should align with the going market rates to adhere to GST norms.

Challenges in Identifying and Categorizing These Transactions

  • Complex Ownership Structures: One of the biggest challenges is resolving complex ownership structures to determine if entities are related. This can be particularly challenging in large conglomerates with multiple layers of subsidiaries and associate companies.
  • Valuation of Transactions: Assigning a fair market value to transactions between related parties can be subjective and challenging. Ensuring that these valuations meet the arm’s length standard and are compliant with GST laws is important.
  • Maintaining Documentation: Adequate and accurate documentation is essential for GST compliance in Related Party Transactions. This includes contracts, agreements, and correspondence that justify the transaction values and terms.

Impact of Related Party Transactions on GST

Effect on GST Calculations

Related Party Transactions under GST often involve complex calculations. The GST levied depends on the transaction value, which must reflect an arm’s length price. If a business undervalues a service or product provided to a related entity, it can lead to underpayment of GST, skewing the entire tax calculation process.

Also Read: Mastering GST Calculations In India – Your Guide To Using Online GST Calculators

Legal and Financial Implications

Mismanagement of these transactions can lead to legal consequences, including penalties and audits by tax authorities. GST compliance in Related Party Transactions is critical to avoid these risks. If transactions are not recorded at arm’s length prices or if GST is inaccurately calculated, it can result in significant financial liabilities.

Exemptions and Special Considerations

Understanding Exemptions in GST for RPTs

There are certain exemptions and special considerations within the GST framework for Related Party Transactions. These can include transactions that are non-commercial in nature or those that fall under specific thresholds defined by GST laws.

Impact on Business Strategies

Knowing these exemptions allows businesses to strategize effectively. For instance, structuring transactions to legally leverage these exemptions can result in tax savings and more efficient financial planning.

Managing Exemptions Effectively

To utilize these exemptions without breaching compliance, businesses should maintain thorough documentation, seek expert advice, and stay updated on GST regulations. Understanding the exemptions in GST on Related Party Transactions is key to effective management.

Challenges and Risks Associated

  1. Identifying Risks: One of the primary challenges in GST compliance in Related Party Transactions is accurately identifying whether a transaction falls under the related party criteria. This often involves complex legal and financial assessments, especially in large or multinational corporations.
  1. Valuation Challenges: Valuing goods and services in a manner compliant with GST regulations can be challenging. The risk lies in the subjective nature of valuation, which can lead to discrepancies and potential disputes with tax authorities.
  1. Effective Risk Management Strategies: Regular audits, clear internal guidelines, and training for staff involved in these transactions are essential. Additionally, consulting with GST experts and leveraging technology for accurate record-keeping can mitigate risks associated with Related Party Transactions and GST.
  1. Maintaining Transparency and Documentation: Accurate documentation is critical in GST compliance for Related Party Transactions. The challenge lies in maintaining transparent records that clearly demonstrate the arm’s length nature of transactions. Failure to do so can raise red flags during audits, leading to legal complications.
  1. Understanding and Adapting to Regulatory Changes: The GST framework is subject to periodic updates and changes. Staying abreast of these changes and understanding how they impact Related Party Transactions is a challenge for businesses. Adapting to these regulatory shifts promptly is crucial to avoid non-compliance.
  1. Dealing with Cross-Border Transactions: For multinational corporations, cross-border related party transactions add another layer of complexity. These transactions must comply not only with Indian GST laws but also with international tax regulations. Understanding and reconciling these different requirements pose a significant challenge.
  1. Technology Integration and Data Management: Leveraging technology for managing and analyzing transaction data is essential. However, integrating the right technology that can handle the complexities of GST on Related Party Transactions is a challenge. Ensuring that the chosen technology aligns with the compliance requirements and effectively manages data is vital.
  1. Managing Stakeholder Expectations: Balancing the expectations of various stakeholders, including shareholders, tax authorities, and related entities, while ensuring GST compliance in Related Party Transactions is a delicate task. It requires a strategic approach to ensure all parties are informed and satisfied.

Also Read: GST: Everything You Need To Know


For businesses in India, understanding GST for transactions with related companies is really important. As India’s economy grows, the way we handle these deals is key to following the law and staying ahead in the market. The best approach is to keep learning and stay informed about the latest in GST and transactions with related companies. This helps you deal with the changes in GST rules in a better way.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • What is GST on Related Party Transactions?

GST on related party transactions refers to the tax applied to business deals between companies that are related by ownership or control.

  • How do Related Party Transactions and GST interact?

These transactions must be reported for GST with special attention to ensure tax compliance due to the close relationship between the entities.

  • What are the GST implications for Related Party Transactions?

The implications include the need for transparent valuation and the potential for increased scrutiny by tax authorities.

  • What documentation is required for GST compliance in Related Party Transactions?

Detailed invoices, contracts, and market valuation reports are required to substantiate the arm’s length nature of these transactions for GST compliance.

  • Why is GST compliance in Related Party Transactions important?

Compliance is crucial to avoid penalties and ensure that the correct amount of GST is paid on these internal transactions.

  • Do GST rules differ for Related Party Transactions?

Yes, GST rules require related party transactions to be valued as if they were made with independent third parties.

  • How should businesses handle GST compliance in Related Party Transactions?

Businesses should maintain rigorous documentation and adhere to arm’s length principles to stay compliant with GST.

  • How do I determine the transaction value for GST in Related Party Transactions?

The transaction value should be equivalent to what it would be if conducted between unrelated parties, ensuring accurate GST is levied and reported.

  • What are the risks if GST on Related Party Transactions is not correctly applied?

Incorrect application can lead to tax reassessments, penalties, and interest on unpaid tax amounts.

  • How can businesses ensure GST compliance in Related Party Transactions?

Regular audits and consulting with GST experts can help businesses ensure that they are compliant with relevant tax laws.

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Deepti Goel
Deepti is an MBA Post- Graduate who transitioned into content writing last 5+years ago. She has a penchant for breaking down complex financial subjects into digestible content. Besides writing, Deepti consults clients on marketing strategies and brand growth strategies, through her Content, knack for explaining intricate financial matters in a straightforward manner makes her writings accessible for readers. In her downtime, Deepti enjoys exploring the outdoors and is an avid traveler.

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