How To Create A QR Code For A GST Invoice?

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Running a business? Then you know that invoices are crucial for tracking payments and expenses. But what if you could make this process even easier by adding a QR code to your GST invoices? It’s a straightforward addition that can simplify payments and offer more details at a glance.

From managing inventory and staff to ensuring customer satisfaction, as a business owner, you’re already juggling many roles. On top of that, the invoicing process can be cumbersome, especially when you have to comply with regulations such as the Goods and Services Tax (GST) in India. However, technology can lend a hand in making this task easier and more efficient. One of the most straightforward yet impactful technologies you can add to your billing and invoicing process is the QR code.

If you’re intrigued but unsure about how to get started, you’re in the right place. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the what, why, and how of adding QR codes to your GST invoices. By the end of this blog, you’ll have a clear understanding about how to generate a QR code for GST invoice and understand why this small step can lead to significant improvements in how you manage your business finances.

What is a QR Code for a GST Invoice?

A QR code for GST invoice is much more than just a jumble of black and white squares. It’s a powerful tool designed to simplify and speed up the invoicing process. When integrated into a GST invoice, a QR code acts as a compact storage unit for essential invoice information. Here’s what it typically contains:

Essential Components of a GST invoice QR code format:

  • GSTIN of the Supplier: This is the unique identification number given to you when you register under the GST law. It’s crucial for filing your tax returns and claiming input tax credit.
  • GSTIN of the Recipient: If your customer is also a registered GST entity, their GSTIN would be encoded in the QR code.
  • Invoice Number: This is your internal tracking number for the invoice. It helps in keeping your books in order and makes it easier to reference in case of any discrepancies.
  • Date of Generation: This is the date when the invoice was created, crucial for both accounting and compliance purposes.
  • Invoice Value: This is the total amount that’s due, including the cost of goods or services and all applicable taxes.
  • Number of Line Items: This gives an idea about the number of goods or services listed in the invoice, helping in quicker verification.
  • HSN Code of the Main Item: This is the Harmonized System Nomenclature code for the primary product or service being sold. It’s a part of the international coding system used to classify products.
  • Unique Invoice Reference Number (IRN)/Hash: This is a unique code generated by the Invoice Registration Portal (IRP) that serves as an added layer of verification.

Why Are These Details Important?

  • Efficiency: All required details are stored in one place, making data entry and record-keeping more efficient.
  • Transparency: With all the key information easily accessible, there’s less chance for errors or fraud.
  • Convenience: For those receiving the invoice, they can simply scan the code to get all the essential details, making it easier for them to process the invoice or make the payment.
  • Compliance: Storing all this data in a QR code also helps in adhering to GST laws, as you’re required to provide all these details on your invoices.

By integrating a QR code into your GST invoices, you’re making it easier for everyone involved in the transaction to access important data in a quick, secure, and efficient manner.

Why Add a QR Code to Your GST Invoice?

The idea of adding another layer to your invoicing might seem daunting, but the benefits of including a QR code in your GST invoices far outweigh the effort. Here’s why:

Simpler Payments

  • Instant Payments: As soon as the QR code is scanned using a mobile phone, payment platforms can auto-fill all the required payment fields, making the process incredibly fast.
  • Multiple Payment Options: The customer can choose from various payment options available through their scanning app, such as credit card, debit card, or digital wallet, giving them the flexibility to pay as they wish.
  • Error-Free: Automated input reduces the chance of manual error in payment amounts or invoice numbers, ensuring that payments are processed accurately.

Transparent Details

  • Full Disclosure: With just a quick scan, all necessary invoice details are displayed, making the transaction transparent and reducing the chance of disputes over what was billed.
  • Security: Having a QR code for GST invoice also serves as an added layer of security. For example, it’s tougher to forge an invoice with a QR code that contains encrypted information, thus reducing the risk of fraud.
  • Compliance: A QR code with all the GST-required fields also aids in easier compliance with tax laws. Worry less about missing out on any essential details.

Easy Records

  • Digital Storage: Once the QR code is scanned, the details can easily be stored in a digital format. This makes it easier to manage records and find old invoices when needed.
  • Accessibility: Both you and your customer can access the transaction details at any time by re-scanning the QR code, ensuring that both parties are always on the same page.
  • Audit-Friendly: With the digital capture of all transaction details, you’re better prepared for any financial audits or reviews. It also makes tax filing more straightforward as you’ll have all required information in one place.

Incorporating a QR code into your GST invoice is not just about keeping up with technology; it’s about making the entire invoicing and payment process simpler, more efficient, and secure. Given these advantages, it’s clear that a small step like this can bring about significant improvements in your business operations.

Basic Steps to Generate a QR Code for a GST Invoice

Here’s how you can add a QR code to your GST invoices:

  • Pick a Tool: Before you get started, you’ll need to choose a QR code generator. There are many options, both free and paid, that offer various features like customization and tracking. Pick one that fits your needs and budget.
  • Enter Invoice Details: Once you have your QR code generator ready, you’ll need to input the invoice details. This will include your GST Identification Number (GSTIN), the invoice number, date of the invoice, and the total amount due. Some generators may offer additional fields, but these are the basic ones you must fill in.
  • Generate and Test: After entering all the necessary details, click to generate the QR code. But don’t just slap it onto your invoice yet. Test it first by scanning the code with a QR reader on your smartphone to ensure it displays all the correct details.
  • Place It on the Invoice: Once you’ve verified that the QR code works, you can add it to your GST invoice. Make sure to place it where it’s easily visible but doesn’t obstruct any essential information on the invoice.

How to create a QR code for GST invoice in Tally?

If you’re using Tally for your accounting, adding a QR code is easy. Just follow these steps:

Step 1: Open the Invoice – Launch Tally and open the specific invoice you want to add a QR code to.

Step 2: Look for the ‘QR Code’ Option – Go through the menu options and find the one that says ‘QR Code.’ It’s usually under ‘Additional Features’ or similar.

Step 3: Enter Required Details – A dialogue box will appear where you’ll need to enter all the required invoice details like GSTIN, invoice number, date, and total amount due.

Step 4: Generate the QR Code – Once you’ve filled in all the fields, generate the QR code. Tally will automatically place the QR code on your invoice, ready for printing or sharing digitally.

How to create a QR code for GST invoice online?

To make a QR code for your GST invoice online, first, go to Google and search for “GST invoice QR code generator.” Pick one of the platforms from the search results. Usually, you’ll need to create an account or you can use the service without signing up. Once you’re in, you’ll need to put in key details like your GST number, the invoice number, and the total amount that’s due. Some websites also let you add extra details like a company logo or a description of the items.

After you put in all the details, you’ll see a button to create the QR code. Click it and your QR code will be made. Most websites let you download the code in different formats like PNG or PDF. Before you use it, scan the QR code with your phone to make sure all the details are correct. Once everything checks out, you can add the QR code to your GST invoices. This will make it easier for everyone to handle payments and keep track of transactions.

What Should Be in the GST Invoice QR Code Format?

Your QR code should have some essential details. These usually include:

  • GST number of the seller
  • GST number of the buyer
  • Invoice number
  • Date of the invoice
  • Total amount due


Adding a QR code to your GST invoices is a smart move. It makes transactions smoother and keeps all the essential info in one place. Whether you’re using Tally or an online service, generating a QR code isn’t complicated. So why wait? Start adding QR codes to your GST invoices today.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • What is a GST invoice QR code?

It’s a special barcode added to your GST invoice. It holds key details like your GST number, invoice number, and the total amount due.

  • Why should I use a QR code on my GST invoice?

Using a QR code simplifies payments and makes all the transaction details easy to see in one scan.

  • How do I create a QR code for a GST invoice?

You have options like using Tally or online tools to generate the QR code and add it to your invoice.

  • Can I make a GST invoice QR code in Tally?

Yes, you can. Tally offers an easy way to add a QR code directly to your invoices within the software.

  • Are there online tools to create a GST invoice QR code?

Yes, many online platforms offer this service. You can generate the QR code and then download it.

  • What should be in my GST invoice QR code?

Include key details like the GST numbers for both buyer and seller, the invoice number, date, and the amount due.

  • Is it mandatory to add a QR code to GST invoices?

It’s not a must for everyone, but it’s a good practice and provides several benefits like easier payments.

  • Does a QR code make payments easier?

Absolutely, a simple scan with a mobile phone can allow instant payments, making it convenient for customers.

  • How does a QR code help in keeping records?

It helps you and your customers easily track invoices and payments, as scanning the code brings up all essential details.

  • What are the common mistakes to avoid while using QR codes?

Be sure to check that all details are correct and always test the QR code to make sure it scans correctly before you put it on your invoices.

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Deepti Goel
Deepti is an MBA Post- Graduate who transitioned into content writing last 5+years ago. She has a penchant for breaking down complex financial subjects into digestible content. Besides writing, Deepti consults clients on marketing strategies and brand growth strategies, through her Content, knack for explaining intricate financial matters in a straightforward manner makes her writings accessible for readers. In her downtime, Deepti enjoys exploring the outdoors and is an avid traveler.

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